It is rarely spoken about, but women can experience hair loss,too. While it is much more common to see men with receding hairlines or bald patches, this doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the potential to affect everyone. Thankfully, there are haircare products that can help induce natural hair growth.
Here is a brief list of the main reasons a woman may notice thinning or patchiness in her hair.
During pregnancy, there are many hormonal changes that need to take place in the body in order to grow the baby. The postpartum stage is often when some women notice a loss of hair. This usually only occurs for approximately four months after birth, although this depends on many other factors, such as overall health and environment.
When a woman begins menopause, another drastic adjustment to hormones takes place in the body. Certain hormone levels decrease significantly, causing a wide range of physical changes. One of these is often hair thinning and hair loss.Over time, the rate of menopausal hair loss tends to slow. Pregnancy and menopause are such significant periods of hormonal change that they can both impact a woman’s hair growth.
As a response to sudden stress or ongoing anxiety, the body reacts in a variety of ways. One of these is sometimes the loss of hair. The chemicals induced by stress cause hair follicles to resort to the resting stage of the growth cycle, meaning that the hair falls out and new growth doesn’t replace it. Fortunately for women experiencing this problem (and men, too), establishments such as Harley Street Hair Clinic offer hair loss treatments that can restore fullness to the head. For some people, hair loss due to stress may only be temporary, but others may not be so lucky. In these cases, there are treatments available to help.
Thyroid Issues
Problems with the thyroid gland can also cause unwanted hair loss. Rather than patches of thinning or a receding hairline, this type of hair loss occurs all over the scalp. While it can be distressing at the time, it is usually temporary. Once the underlying cause of the thyroid disorder is addressed, hair isusually expected to grow back.
Traction Alopecia
Pulling your hair into tight, slicked-back styles can lead to what’s known as traction alopecia. The strain each hair has totake can cause the strands to break or the roots to fall out. Frequently styling your hair in tight ways can cause damage to your scalp, which is never good for the health of your hair. Try to find styles you like that don’t put your scalp under as much stress.
Hair loss can also be a result of genetics. If family members have also experienced hair loss, it is more likely that you will as well. There is nothing you can do to change your family history, but treatments such as hair transplants can be effective at undoing the visible signs.
Hair loss is still something of a taboo subject for many women, but by understanding the many causes and possible treatments, it doesn’t need to stay that way.
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